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The International Forum on Innovative Development of Biomanufacturing Held in Tianjin

In order to promote the biomanufacturing innovation and industrial internationalization and deepen the international cooperation in the field of biomanufacturing, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIBCAS), the National Center of Technology Innovation for Synthetic Biology (NC SynBio), the Alliance of International Science Organization (ANSO), and Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) jointly hosted the International Forum on Innovative Development of Biomanufacturing on 9-10 November in Tianjin.

The theme of the forum is “Sharing Cutting-edge Biotechnology for Prosperity of Global Bio-economy”. Over 300 participants including government officials, diplomatic envoys, experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from nearly 20 countries such as Germany, Denmark, Singapore and Pakistan attended the forum to share the progress, discuss the trend and key measures of biomanufacturing innovation.

During the opening ceremony, Prof. MA Yanhe, the Director-General of TIBCAS, Prof. CAO Jinghua, the Executive Director of ANSO Secretariat, Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria, the Executive Director of COMSATS, delivered welcome addresses on behalf of the co-host. They expressed the willingness to continuously build high-level international exchange and cooperation platform in the future, and work together with the industry and the academia around the world to accelerate the high-quality development of the biomanufacturing thus to make new and greater contributions to the green development of the world.

Mr. WANG Zhenyu, the Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Bureau, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ms. WANG Rongfang, the Counselor (Director General level) of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and Mr. WANG Xu, the Member of Tianjin Municipal Standing Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Education Working Committee, delivered opening addresses. They expressed appreciation and acknowledgment on the efforts and achievements by TIBCAS, ANSO and COMSATS on promoting biomanufacturing international cooperation, and highlighted the importance of biomanufacturing on addressing challenges of sustainable development around the world.

The signing ceremony of a series of collaboration agreements, the appointment for high-level talents from BRI partner countries and the joining ceremony for the second batch of Members of Biomanufacturing Industry (Talent) Alliance were also arranged during the ceremony. 

Khan Muhammad, the Science Counselor of the Embassy of Pakistan Beijing and Amb. Zakaria delivered invited lectures, introduced China-Pakistan scientific and technological innovation cooperation, and COMSATS’ contributions to promoting international cooperation in biomanufacturing, respectively.

Prof. ZHAO Guoping, the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Science, the Academician of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) & the Fellow of American Academy of Microbiology, Prof. ZENG Anping, the member of Acatech-German National Academy of Science and Engineering, Chair Professor for Synthetic Biology and Bioengineering in the School of Engineering and the Founding Director of the Westlake Center of Synthetic Biology and Integrated Engineering, Prof. M. Iqbal Choudhary, the Academician of TWAS and Prof. SHENG Jun from Yunnan Agricultural University delivered keynote lectures on synthetic biology in China, biomanufacturing of green compounds and meat, biocatalytic selective synthesis of bioactive compounds, and food omics research and precision nutrition biofabrication respectively. In addition, the Report on Innovative Development of Biomanufacturing in COMSATS Member States were released in the forum, providing significant support for the demand-oriented joint research and industrial collaboration for COMSATS member states.

During the industrial forum, the representatives of Chinese leading biomanufacturing enterprises including Bloomage Biotech, Fufeng Group and Angel Yeast Co., Ltd shared their experience on international development and biomanufacturing achievements made in the BRI partner countries. In the technical forum, over 30 experts made presentations focused on Biomanufacturing of Chemicals, Materials, Pharmaceuticals, Future Food, Natural Products, Enabling Technologies, and New Resources.

Moreover, exhibitions of Biomanufacturing Technology Innovation, Biomanufacturing Industrial Application and Biomanufacturing Capacity Building were set up during the Forum.

This forum was organized by the COMSATS Joint Center for Industrial Biotechnology (CCIB). During the forum, the Second Consultative Meeting of CCIB was held. 

The forum provided a high-level platform for cross-boarder exchanges of technologies, talents, resources and information, which was helpful to create a good atmosphere for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation under the new circumstances and played a positive role in promoting global industry-university-research cooperation on biomanufacturing as well as building a community with a shared future for mankind.

The Site of the Forum (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Prof. MA Yanhe (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Prof. CAO Jinghua (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Ambassador Dr. Mohammad Nafees Zakaria (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Mr. WANG Zhenyu (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Ms. WANG Rongfang (Image by TIBCAS)


Address by Mr. WANG Xu (Image by TIBCAS)


The Signing Ceremony of a Series of Collaboration Agreements (Image by TIBCAS)


The Appointment Ceremony for Visiting Professor from BRI Partner Countries (Image by TIBCAS)


The Joining Ceremony for the Second Batch of Members of Biomanufacturing Industry (Talent) Alliance (Image by TIBCAS)


Invited Lectures (Image by TIBCAS)


Keynote Lectures  (Image by TIBCAS)


Release of the Report on Innovative Development of Biomanufacturing in COMSATS Member States (Image by TIBCAS)


Industrial Forum (Image by TIBCAS)

Technical Forum (Image by TIBCAS)

Exhibitions (Image by TIBCAS)

The Second Consultative Meeting of CCIB (Image by TIBCAS)





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Copyright @2013, Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences