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USTC-TIB Cohosts Synthetic Biology Seminar in Tianjin

USTC-TIB Synthetic Biology Seminar was cohosted by School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China(SLSUSTC) and Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIBCAS) on 13, March in TIBCAS. More than 20 scholars attended the seminar, including Vice presidents SUN Jibin and LI Yin of TIB, Vice dean ZANG Jianye of SLS and Prof. LIU Haiyan. 

Vice Dean ZANG Jianye and Vice president LI Yin delivered speeches respectively in the beginning as cohosts. They said USTC and TIB have distinct strengths in systems biology, structural biology and synthetic biology. Both parties are sure to make incredible contributions to synthetic biology and industrialization of life sciences when exploiting advantages to the full. Later, vice president SUN Jibin made a brief introduction about strategic plans, talent team, technical system, innovation mechanism and major research finding applications of TIB.  

Scientists made great presentations at the seminar about their research, including SUN Jibin, MA Hongwu, HUQiannan, TIAN Chaoguang, LIU Tao, WANG Meng and ZHANG Xueli from TIB and LIU Haiyan, TIAN Changlin and HONG Hong from USTC. Besides the brilliant talks given by the scientists, they exchanged ideas on future cooperation, talent training and how to achieve these plans, which boosts the mutual understanding and academic communication between two institutes. This seminar also clarified the advantages of both parties, which lay a solid foundation for cooperation in all fields, including research and education combination, collaborative innovation and joint research. 

Scientists from USTC also paid a visit to microbial high-throughput screening platform, microbial system biotechnology platform, fermentation optimization and pilot test platform of TIB during the seminar. 



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Copyright @2013, Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences