Biodesign Center (BDC) is an interdisciplinary research center established at the end of 2019 by integrating multiple computational research groups at TIB. The vision is to empower bioscience with theoretical models and make computational design the core of biotechnology R&D. We develop new algorithms and tools to solve biological problems by adopting novel artificial intelligence methods and computational techniques. Through cross-disciplinary research, we aim to train a new generation of dry biologists and revolutionize the industrial biotechnology R&D paradigm. BDC develops biological d...
Prof. Hongwu MA is currently the director of the Biodesign Center. He received his Ph.D degree in Biochemical Engineering from Tianjin University, China in 2001. He then worked in German Research Centre for Biotechnology (GBF) as a postdoc and moved to the University of Edinburgh at the end of 2005 as a senior research fellow. He was appointed as a professor at TIB-CAS at Dec 2011. He has been working on various research fields including reconstruction and analysis of genome scale metabolic models and multi-constraint models, design of metabolic pathways and metabolic engineering targets, e...
1.Development of AI methods and web tools for functional prediction and design of biological parts such as enzymes and biosensors; Construction and analysis of genome scale metabolic network model, multi-constrained model and whole cell model; Development of computation methods for the design of synthetic pathways, modification targets and engineering strategies for efficient production of biochemicals 4.Management of high-performance computing cluster and deployment of databases, AI models and software; 5. Development of data center for Bio-manufacturing, including subsystems for da...
(1)Development of Knowledgebases and Models for Industrial Organisms; (2)Design of metabolic pathways and metabolic engineering strategies; (3)Enzyme Function Prediction, Mining, and Design via AI and Structural Analysis.
The team is supported by research projects from different sources including the National Key Research and Development Program of synthetic biology by Ministry of Science & Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin Synthetic Biotechnology Innovation Capacity Improvement Project, etc.