Synthetic Biology and Microbial Manufacturing Engineering
Liu Pingping

Name: Liu Pingping

Title: Associate Investigator

Tel: 022-84861946


Research Interest

Major in metabolic engineering and focus on the design and construction of strains suitable for industrial production. Until now, several strains have been created for producing D-lactate, L-valine, L-lactate, Vitamin B5 or isobutanol. The Key technologies for producing D-lactate and L-valine have been realized the tons commercial production.

Education & Professional Experience

2020.07-until now,TIB,associate professor

2010.01-2020.07,TIB,assistant professor

2006.09-2009.12,Wuhan Institute of Virology,CAS, PhD

2003.09-2003.07,College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agriculture University, Graduate

1999.09-2003.07,College of Life Sciences, Shandong Agriculture University, Undergraduate

Honors and Awards

1. The 10th Anhui Patent Prize Award, Recombinant Microorganisms for L-Valine Production and Construction Methods, Applications, 3/9

2. Science and Technology for Development Award in 2019 by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Team for the Creation and Application of New Generation of Industrial Strains, 4/10

3. Second Prize of Anhui Science and Technology Award in 2016, Key technology of bio-based L-alanine manufacturing and industrialization application,6/8

4.China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award in 2014, Key Technology of Bio-based L-Alanine Manufacturing and Industrialization Application,5/7

5.Second Prize of China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation for Scientific and Technological Progress in 2014, Key Technology of Bio-based L-Alanine Manufacturing and Industrialization Application,5/8

Selected Publications

1. Liu P.; Guo H.; Zhang D.; Fan Y.; Tang S.; Zhang X., Kry technology for anaerobic fermentation of L-alanine and its commercialization,Chinese Journal of Biotechnology. 2022, 38 (11), 4329-4334.

2. Liu P.;  Xu H.; Zhang X.*, Metabolic engineering of microorganisms for L-alanine production. Journal of industrial microbiology & biotechnology 2021.

3. Xu L. #;  Liu P. #,  Dai Z.,  Fan F. *, Zhang X.*, Fine-tuning the expression of pathway gene in yeast using a regulatory library formed by fusing a synthetic minimal promoter with different Kozak variants. Microbial cell factories 2021, 20 (1), 148.

4. Liu P.; Zhu X.; Tan Z.; Zhang X.*; Ma Y., Construction of Escherichia Coli Cell Factories for Production of Organic Acids and Alcohols. Advances in biochemical engineering/biotechnology. 2015,155:107-140.


1. Biosynthesis of Vitamin B5, major participant

2. Analysis of the mechanism of steroid hormone transport and its application, sub-theme leader