Circular Dichroism Spectrometer


Model: ChiraScan-Plus


Acquisition Date: 2011

Contact: Jie Zhang

Phone Number: 15022142553


Main configuration and technical specifications:

  • Scanning range: 165-900 nm;
  • CD detection range: ±1000 mdeg;
  • PMT detector, capable of measuring circular dichroism, UV-Visible, and fluorescence spectra;
  • Sample holder equipped with Peltier temperature control element for thermal stability testing;
  • Includes a four-channel Stopped-Flow accessory for rapid kinetics analysis, with mixing dead times of 0.2-0.5 ms.

Application and characteristics:

This instrument is used to determine the secondary structure of biomacromolecules and is applied in protein folding, protein conformation studies, DNA/RNA interactions, enzyme kinetics, and the purity measurement of optically active substances. It can also measure the stereostructure and purity of organic compounds, metal complexes, and polymers. Additionally, it is widely used in studies of molecular structure and intermolecular interactions, particularly in research on biomacromolecules, their interactions with small molecules such as drugs, and the absolute configuration of various chiral compounds.