5-head dragonfly


Instrument Model:5-head


Acquisition Time:2024

Contact:Qian Li

Phone Number:13752125989


Main configuration and technical specifications:

1、It can ignore liquid viscosity, quickly and accurately prepare complex crystal gradients, optimize screening conditions, and avoid cross contamination;

2、By adopting innovative solid-phase displacement pipetting technology, Dragonfly uses a disposable nozzle with an independent piston to achieve high accuracy and precision in sample addition for any type and viscosity of liquid;

3、Having an extremely low dead volume allows the laboratory to minimize reagent consumption and conduct more experiments with fewer reagents as much as possible。

Application and characteristics:

1、Mainly used for optimizing and scaling up protein crystallization;

2、In the protein crystallization screening process, dragonfly closely cooperates with Mosquito, shortening the period from obtaining initial "hit" to high-resolution diffraction crystals。