Bruker AVANCE III 600MHz


  • The system is equipped with a 5mm 1H/13C/15N/31P QCI CryoProbes™, which places the RF coil in a low-temperature environment to reduce the probe's electrical noise and improve the S/N ratio of the spectrum, improving the S/N ratio by about 4 times compared to a room temperature probe, and reducing the sampling time by 16 times.
  • It is equipped with a CryoFit probe, which can be used for LC-NMR coupling.
  • It is equipped with a 60 slots Sample Xpress Auto Changer.
  • It has higher resolution and sensitivity, suitable for detecting mixtures such as metabolomics and trace detection, as well as macromolecules such as polysaccharides.
  • It can perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of metabolites.