Bruker tims TOF Pro2 LC-MS/MS


  • The timsTOF Pro 2 mass spectrometer with the newest generation dual-TIMS analyzer offers three times higher ion capacity. Simplified ion optics maximize ion transfer and sensitivity to set a new standard in 4D-Multiomics.
  • PASEF® technology achieves a >120 Hz sequencing speed without affecting resolution.The MS/MS spectra quality of the low abundant peptides can be enriched by selecting them several times, resulting in higher confidence peptide spectrum matching (PSM).
  • Data-independent acquisition (dia)-PASEF® is both more sensitive and selective than traditional DIA approaches as it applies the PASEF® principle to combine the advantages of DIA with the inherent ion efficiency of PASEF®.
  • DIA-PASEF data cuboid is created containing m/z, ion mobility (CCS), retention time and intensity. The timsTOF Pro 2 gives us extremely high speed and sensitivity to get deeper into the proteome and using less sample material.