The platform's director, Prof. Jianye Xia, is a Principal Investigator and doctoral supervisor. He is a recipient of the CAS's “Hundred Talents Program”, and a Tianjin municipal leading talent. He also serves as the deputy director of the Biochemical Engineering Modeling and Control Specialized Committee of the Chinese Society for Microbiology. He has led or participated in nearly 10 research projects, including the 863 Program, the 973 Program, the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation projects, and the Sino-Dutch international cooperation project. He proposed a fermentation process scale-up methods based on integrating reactor flow field with cell physiology, which has been successfully applied in several domestic biomanufacturing enterprises in China. His work has earned him a Second-Class National Science and Technology Progress Award, a First-Class Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, an Industry-University-Research Innovation Award, and a Second-Class Science and Technology Progress Award from the China Light Industry Council. Dr. Xia has published more than 40 research papers in journals such as Cell, Nature Communications, Chemical Engineering Science, PNAS, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, and Trends in Biotechnology, and holds six authorized patents.

The team consists of 37 members, including 3 professors, one professor-level senior engineer, two senior engineers, two engineers, 12 assistant engineers, and 17 graduate students. The multidisciplinary research and support team ensures the smooth execution of the platform technical support and research and development tasks.