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TIB has a meeting with NSTDA


Under the coordination of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO), Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), CAS together with CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology (CoEBio) had an online meeting with the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand on 17 March, 2022. Prof. CAO Jinghua, Executive Director of the ANSO Secretariat and Prof. Prasit Palittapongarnpim, Executive Vice President of NSTDA delivered opening remarks.

Prof. Cao kicked off the meeting by saying that the Green Technology Corridor is one of the major tasks of ANSO, since TIB is the core Institute in the area of green biomanufacturing of China, ANSO will mainly rely on TIB, work closely with NSTDA and play the role of CAS Innovation Cooperation Center (Bangkok), to jointly promote the applicable biotechnology demonstration and transfer in the countries of ASEAN, thus serve for the sustainable development.

Prof. Palittapongarnpim, Executive Vice President of the NSTDA, thanked ANSO for embarking the collaboration between NSTDA and TIB. He mentioned that the Bio-Circular-Green Economy (BCG) has been declared as a national agenda by the Thailand government early this year. NSTDA will give full play to the ANSO platform, strengthen the collaboration with TIB, and jointly promote the bioeconomy development.

Prof. SUN Jibin, Deputy Director-General of TIB, briefly introduced TIB and the National Center of Technology Innovation for Synthetic Biology, also the collaborative proposals with NSTDA. Dr. Lily Eurwilaichitr, Vice President of NSTDA, briefly introduced NSTDA and the Thailand’s BCG model and the related BCG activities. CAS-TWAS Centre of Excellence for Biotechnology (CoEBio) also introduced the collaborative consideration with NSTDA.

Finally, the participants had in-depth discussions and exchanges focusing on strengthening strategic research on bioeconomy, building communication platforms and promoting the biotechnology transfer under the framework of ANSO.

About 20 representatives from ANSO Secretariat, NSTDA, TIB, CoEBio, CASICCB attended the meeting via online and offline.