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Professor Irene Wagner-D?bler from the German Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) gives lecture at TIB


Professor Irene Wagner-Döbler from German Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) visited TIB at the invitation of Professor Jibin Sun on July 30th and she gave a presentation titled "Systems biology of Streptococcus mutans for drug development".

In the presentation, Professor Irene Wagner-Döbler introduced streptococcus mutans which is a major  pathogen group of human dental plaque and she elaborated the mechanism that biofilm inhibitors Carolacton inhibiting and killing Streptococcus mutans .Subsequently, she also described the current research results : Through transcriptome sequencing and background literature research, further identified serine - threonine protein kinase (PknB) is the key gene in the cracking process of Streptococcus mutans. Detected PknB and its downstream gene expression and regulation by using a fluorescent reporter gene, and found expression of PknB itself remained constant, a large number of key genes downstream regulated by pknB.

After the lecture, Professor Irene Wagner-Döbler and the researchers in the Institute made communication and discussion on the latest research results, which broadened the research ideas between the two sides on systems biology.