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Dr. Xican Zhu gave an academic presentation at the TIB


On the afternoon of July 23th,2009, Dr.Xican Zhu of GE gave an academic presentation at the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Zhu graduated from institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, majoring in large-scale animal cell culture, development and manufacture of monoclonal antibody, et al. He is now the Product Manager of GE Healthcare Life Sciences, China. Corresponding employees of GE, scientists and graduate students of TIB attended the meeting.

The title of this report is To deal with the H1N1 promptly Wave bio-reactor. Dr.Zhu had shown the brand-new research results in the functional biology area, presenting the process of mutagenesis of  virus to vaccine in 60 days, the cost-effective technology of producing supercoiled plasmid, MDCK flu vaccine cell culture, et al. The presentation, having lively pictures and well written explanations, was highly accepted by the researchers at the TIB.