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Guests from Applikon Inc.(Netherland) and Hua Yue Group paid a visit to Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences.


Guests from Applikon Inc.(Netherland) and Hua Yue Group paid a visit to Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

At the invitation of Prof. Zhiyong Huang, Mr. Woff Mennoo (Applikon Biotechnology Inc. Netherland) and Dr. Lin Luo (manager of biotechnology of Hua Yue Enterprise Holdings Limited) paid a visit in Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Applikon,one of the three largest bio-reactor manufactures in the world , develops, manufactures and provides bio-reactor systems for research and production. Its Headquarter is located in Netherland. Applikon has always been the leader of the bio-reactors from lab- to pilot-scale, and its bio-reactor of steam sterilization is the industrial standard in the world.

Hua Yue Enterprise Holdings Limited is one of the most scalable providers of lab facilities in China, owning the dealership of more than 70 most competitive manufacturers in life science, food safety, IVF, biopharmaceutical, lab consumable and lab furniture in China.

After Mr. Woff Mennoo and Dr.Lin Luo had visited the provisional office and lab area of TIB accompanied by Prof. Zhiyong Huang, Prof. Zhiyong Huang introduced the construction background, orientation, task, developmental plan and current team of TIB to the guests. Considering the research programs at the TIB, Mr. Woff Mennoo and Dr.Lin Luo introduced the apparatuses for cell culture and microbial fermentation, respectively. And then, Mr. Woff Mennoo and Dr.Lin Luo had a thorough discussion with Prof. Zhiyong Huang, Prof. Hui Song and Deputy Prof. Ping Zheng, expressing the desire to cooperate with the TIB. Both sides agreed tostrengthen the relationship and establish the cooperation .